Mad Men

The professional and personal lives of those who work in advertising on Madison Avenue - self-coined "mad men" - in the 1960s are presented. The stories focus on those at one of the avenue's smaller firms, Sterling Cooper, and its various incarnations over the decade. At the heart of these stories is Donald Draper, the creative genius of the company. That professional creative brilliance belies the fact of a troubled childhood, one that he would rather forget and not let anyone know about except for a select few, but one that shaped who he is as an adult and as an ad man in the need not only to sell products but sell himself to the outside world. His outward confidence also masks many insecurities as evidenced through his many vices, such as excessive smoking, drinking and womanizing - the latter despite being a family man - and how he deals with the aftermath of some of the negative aspects of his life.



Movie time

47 min

Directed by



Jon Hamm, Elisabeth Moss, Vincent Kartheiser



03E03 - My Old Kentucky Home

Several members of the creative team - including Smitty, Peggy Olson and Paul Crane - are at work on a Saturday trying to come up with new slogans for their Baccardi campaign. It's rough going however and fresh ideas are rare. Paul contacts an old university friend and they smoke marijuana in his office. Once again Peggy surprises all of them and shows that she is as adventurous as they are. The rest of the staff are at Roger Sterling's lavish party. While the surroundings are sumptuous, a few of the guests are uncomfortable with Roger's singing performance. Betty Draper has an interesting encounter while Jane Sterling gets pie-eyed. Joan Holloway hosts a dinner party for husband Greg's boss and a colleague. She reveals her own hidden musical talents. Betty's father claims that someone stole $5 from his money clip, but no one takes him too seriously.

Date: 30 Aug 2009
IMDB id: tt1484415
IMDB rating: N/A