Mad Men

The professional and personal lives of those who work in advertising on Madison Avenue - self-coined "mad men" - in the 1960s are presented. The stories focus on those at one of the avenue's smaller firms, Sterling Cooper, and its various incarnations over the decade. At the heart of these stories is Donald Draper, the creative genius of the company. That professional creative brilliance belies the fact of a troubled childhood, one that he would rather forget and not let anyone know about except for a select few, but one that shaped who he is as an adult and as an ad man in the need not only to sell products but sell himself to the outside world. His outward confidence also masks many insecurities as evidenced through his many vices, such as excessive smoking, drinking and womanizing - the latter despite being a family man - and how he deals with the aftermath of some of the negative aspects of his life.



Movie time

47 min

Directed by



Jon Hamm, Elisabeth Moss, Vincent Kartheiser



03E10 - The Color Blue

The 40th anniversary party for Sterling Cooper is approaching, but not many seem to be excited about it. Bertram, who does not feel the need to reminisce, is not planning to attend. And Roger doesn't want to see more praise stowed upon Don, which is supposed to happen at the party. But the Brits at head office want the party to be a success, if only to carry out their clandestine plan. With others in the office, Paul is feeling threatened by Peggy, who he sees as Don's favorite. Paul however comes up with what he believes is a brilliant idea for a campaign, if only he can remember what that idea is. And Lane is feeling pressured by his wife Rebecca, who hates living in New York. At the Draper household, Betty is keeping her distance from Henry Francis, but Don is continuing his affair with Suzanne Farrell. Being the private person that he is, he wants no one to know about it, even Suzanne's epileptic brother Danny, who she wants Don to know. But Betty stumbles across something Don left in his pocket, which may end up exposing more to her than he wants.

Date: 18 Oct 2009
IMDB id: tt1484249
IMDB rating: N/A