
The past, present, and future lives of surviving Oceanic Flight 815 passengers are dramatically intertwined as a fight for survival ensues in a quest for answers after crashlanding on a mysterious island. Each discovery prompts yet more secrets, as the hastily-formed colony search for a way off the island, or is this their home?



Movie time

44 min

Directed by



Jorge Garcia, Josh Holloway, Yunjin Kim




Rotten Tomatoes

06E10 - The Package

In the island, Locke leaves the camp and Charles Widmore's team attacks his group and kidnaps Jin. Meanwhile Sun is planting in her old garden and out of the blue, Locke appears and tells that Jin is on the other side of the island. But Sun does not believe on him and flees from Locke; however she hits her head on a tree and when she awakes, she can only speak Korean. Richard returns with Hurley to the group and he wants to destroy the plane. Locke returns to his camp and sees his group fainted. He awakes Sayid and leans that they had been attacked. Locke goes with Sayid by boat to the other island to bring Jin back since he wants to leave the island. Locke meets Charles Widmore and he says that he does not have Jin with him. Soon Charles asks Zoe to bring a package from the submarine. In the parallel reality, Jin has his US$ 25,000.00 apprehended by customs in Los Angeles. Sun and Jin go to a hotel where they have reservation and Jin explains that he should have delivered the money and the watch to a man in a restaurant. They spend the night together and on the next morning, they are awakened by Martin Keamy that wants his money. She explains that the money was taken by customs and offers to go to the bank to give her money to him. Keamy brings Jin with him to the restaurant. Sun learns that her bank account was closed by her father and Jin discovers that the money was the payment to Kimey for killing him. When Sayid breaks in the restaurant, he releases Jin but Sun is coming with a gangster to the place.

Date: 30 Mar 2010
IMDB id: tt1467629
IMDB rating: 7.9