
The past, present, and future lives of surviving Oceanic Flight 815 passengers are dramatically intertwined as a fight for survival ensues in a quest for answers after crashlanding on a mysterious island. Each discovery prompts yet more secrets, as the hastily-formed colony search for a way off the island, or is this their home?



Movie time

44 min

Directed by



Jorge Garcia, Josh Holloway, Yunjin Kim




Rotten Tomatoes

01E20 - Do No Harm

Claire goes into labor while a helpless Charlie goes into panic mode, leading to Kate and Jin to assist with the delivery. Meanwhile, Locke goes missing after he returns with a critically wounded Boone after his fall from the Cessna plane. Jack tends to the wounded Boone as more of Jack's background story reveals his troubled engagement with his fiancée Sarah. Also, Sayid presents Shannon with a romantic surprise getaway down the beach.

Date: 06 Apr 2005
IMDB id: tt0636277
IMDB rating: 8.9