Michael Crichton has created a medical drama that chronicles life and death in a Chicago hospital emergency room. Each episode tells the tale of another day in the ER, from the exciting to the mundane, and the joyous to the heart-rending. Frenetic pacing, interwoven plot lines, and emotional rollercoastering is used to attempt to accurately depict the stressful environment found there. This show even portrays the plight of medical students in their quest to become physicians.



Movie time

44 min

Directed by



Anthony Edwards, George Clooney, Julianna Margulies



11E01 - One for the Road

After being shot at, Pratt, Jing-Mei and Elgin are trying to get out of their sinking car. Sam took Alex with her while fleeing from Steve. Kovac is considering going after them. Abby wants...

Date: 23 Sep 2004
IMDB id: tt0568065
IMDB rating: 8.0